Course settings - Statistics (drafts of lessons and assignments are not included into statistics)
The following data is displayed in the section:
Statistics page
- Buttons for downloading reports;
- The total number of students (including the students who have been removed or deleted and the students who have not paid for the course);
- The number of students who accessed all the lessons;
- The number of students who completed all the assignments;
- A list of all lessons and assignments (percentage of the students who accessed and completed lessons/assignments).
The general course report
Click "Download course report".
You will be prompted to download the xls. file (Microsoft Office Excel). In the general report on the course there are 2 tabs: "Lessons" and "Assignments".
The "Lessons" tab contains a list of students and their email addresses, the numbers of levels and lessons, the titles of the lessons, and the status of the lesson completion ("Completed"/"Not completed").
By default, the table is sorted by levels and lessons.
The "Assignments" tab contains a list of students and their email addresses, the numbers of levels, lessons, and assignments, the names of the assignments, the titles of the lessons, and the status of the assignment completion ("Completed"/"Not completed").
By default, the table is sorted by levels, lessons, and assignments.
The detailed course report
Click "Download detailed report".
You will be prompted to download the xls. file (Microsoft Office Excel). The detailed course report contains tabs with each assignment listed separately. The name of the tab indicates the number of the level, lesson, and assignment. Assignments that have not been completed by every student on the course will not be displayed in the detailed course report.
Each tab lists the names of the assignments, the questions, the type of the question, the answer each of the students provided to the question, the names of the students and their email addresses.
The detailed course report displays deleted assignments, provided at least one student completed those before they were deleted.
The progress report
Click the "Download progress report" button.
You will be prompted to download the xls. file (Microsoft Office Excel). The progress report contains one sheet with the data on each of the students. Each row of the table contains:
- students’ names and email address;
- the titles of the lessons and their completion status ("Completed"/"Not completed")
- the names of the assignments and their completion status ("Completed"/"Not completed") and the students’ answers to the assignment questions.
This table allows you to review students' answers as well as sort the students by completed/not completed lessons and assignments.