The platform offers 2 student filters: a general filter located in the "Users" tab and a separate filter for each course located in the Course Settings in the “Students” tab.
General Student Filter
Users - Students
Filter "Course"
Using this filter, you can single out students in any course or several courses at the same time. This filter allows you to look at the total number of students in the school and compare students enrolled in different courses.
Applying filter "Any course" you can view all students who have purchased any of the courses.
If you remove all the checkboxes from the "Course" filter, the list will still feature students who are registered at the school but did not purchase any course.
Filter "Activity"
You can set a period (the number of days) after which a student is considered inactive (the student hasn’t signed in to the school). A preset period is 30 days.
"All": all students
"Active": only active students (they have signed in to the school within the time frame specified in the "Activity" column).
"Inactive”: students who have not signed in to the school for longer than specified in the “Activity” column).
Filter "Expelled Students"
Applying this filter allows you to view students who have been removed from school.
Specific course filter
Course Settings - Students
Filter "Payment Method"
- Single payment: Students who have paid for the entire course (using any payment method) and students who bought the course after signing up for the free first level.
- No payment: Students who enrolled in a free course (the course is free at all times, or was free at the time of enrollment). Students who bought the course with a 100% discount (using a promo code) or were added by a school employee manually. Students who are enrolled in the free first level (until the payment is made).
Filter " No course access"
- Expelled by teacher: Students who have been removed from the course by school employees.
- Debtors: Students who have not yet paid for the course (as either manual confirmation of the application by the instructor is required, or they have accepted the invitation, but have not yet paid for the course). Students who are taking the free first level (until the payment is made).