Additional course registration form 

You can add additional fields to the course registration form to be filled in by your students. This registration form will be accessible in an "unclosable" pop-up window either after the student registers for the course (if the course is free) or the course payment is made. You can mark required and optional fields in the form for each course. All data filled in by the student earlier (for example, when buying a second course) will be entered in the form automatically.

When the student registers for the course on the main page of the school, the form will be accessible after filling out the school registration form and paying for the course (if the course is paid; if it is free/free first level, then the form will be available immediately after registration). 

When the student registers for the course via the course card, the form will be accessible after the email is entered and the payment is made (if the course is paid; if it is free/free first level, then the form will be available immediately after registration). This ensures a quick enrollment process.

Setting up/editing a course registration form 

Course Settings - Embed - Set form

In the form settings you can:

  •     Add  additional fields (first name, last name, phone number, date of birth, information about the student) and mark the mandatory ones.      
  •     Change  the text of the button.

After you have set up the form, click the "Save" button.

You can set up different registration forms for each course.

Disabling an additional course registration form

If you don't need a registration popup containing additional fields for a particular course (you just need an email or a customized school registration form) or you have already set up a form earlier, you can remove checkbox marks from each of the fields and click "Save". In this case, the registration form will not be displayed after the payment.