How to add a promo code for a payment option?


When specifying a payment option, you can add promo codes valid for each of the payment option here: 

Course Settings - Payment - Edit - Promo codes - Add promo code


How to create a promo code for the course?


To add a promo code for the course, go to the “Payment” tab and click the “Add promo code” button. 

Promo code settings

1) In the “Promo Code” field, enter the name of your promo code or use the suggested name. 

2) Choose whether your discount is a percentage of the cost or a specific amount. Specify the discount.

3) If you need to limit the number of  promo code applications, specify the number in the “Quantity” field. This way, the promo code can not be used more times than specified in the settings.

4) If the promo code is valid only until a certain date, specify it in the field. The student will not be able to use the promo code after the specified expiration date. 

5) Mark for which payment methods the promo code is valid. Select them by checkboxes in the section "Applies to".

Upon upgrading promo code settings, do not forget to click the “Save” button.