Employees’ functions depend on the role that is set in the Users-Employees menu. You can combine and assign multiple roles, except for the school owner there can be the only one.
Instructor checks assignments, answers the comments (if they are enabled in the course settings) and communicates with students in the school chat (if it is enabled in the school settings). "Courses" and "Assignment under review" tabs are available on the main page. Only access given courses (and reports on the completed assignments) are displayed. Teacher can see the "Preview" and "Students" tabs in the course settings.
Instructor can get notifications about personal or chat messages (for all courses), new assignments sent for review (where the teacher is assigned), about a new comment on an assignment or task (where the teacher is assigned).
Instructor is not able to:
* edit courses;
* create new courses;
* download the students’ list in XLS in the "Students" tab in the course settings ;
* open course access manually;
* exclude or remove a student from the school and course;
* view course statistics.
Editor can edit available courses content: lessons and assignments. Editor can respond to comments (if they are enabled in the course settings) as well. "Courses" tab is only available and seen on the main page (to those courses where the access is granted). Editor can see "Preview" tab (can answer the comments) and "Constructor" tab in the course settings.
Editor is not able to:
* create new courses;
* edit course settings, including payment settings;
* view course statistics.
Administrator can see all the menu items on the school’s main page and in the course settings. Administrator can see all the assignments’ reports sent for review regardless of whether there is a teacher assigned for the course (but administrator can not receive course notifications where the teachers have already been assigned). Administrator can check assignments, create new courses, delete messages in group chats, invite new employees and edit teachers and editors rights.
Administrator is not able to:
* edit employees’ rights with the "Administrator" role;
* transfer the rights to the school to another owner;
* edit school details.
School Owner
School owner has full access to all units and courses.