The school at ZenClass platform may have three URL-addresses:  a technical URL-address, a tertiary domain and a native domain.

Technical URL-address

Technical URL-address is generated automatically when signing up and is available until you set up the tertiary domain. You can only find this address in the browser's address bar before setting up the tertiary domain.

After setting up the domain, upon visiting the technical address, you will be redirected to the tertiary domain or the native domain (if it is connected).

Tertiary domain

Tertiary domain is provided free of charge and can be filled in the school settings.

School settings - Basic settings - Access

Thus, the address of your school’s homepage will be comprised of the tertiary domain (the name of the domain has to be unique), the second-level domain “zenclass” and the ending “ru” separated by dots.

Native domain

You can purchase the domain you are interested in at your own expense. Follow the instructions and contact the helpdesk to connect it (it is done free of charge within 1 or 2 business days)

If you have connected the native domain for your school, the school homepage will be available at both addresses (no redirection will occur when switching from a tertiary domain).